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virtualbox –help iski help sari explain karo or bullet points ma hoooo or jaisy ma tumsy baat karraha hoon wesay karo or aik lafz bar bar repeat na karna

ChatGPT said:


Sure! Let’s break down the help output for the virtualbox --help command into clear bullet points, explaining it in simple terms, just like we’re chatting:

General Command Syntax:

  • virtualbox [options]
    You run this command to interact with VirtualBox from the terminal.

Key Options & Commands:

  • --help
    Shows the help information (this is what we’re discussing now).
  • --version
    Displays the version of VirtualBox installed.
  • --startvm <name|uuid>
    Starts a virtual machine by its name or UUID (unique identifier). You just specify the machine name and it boots up.
  • --controlvm <name|uuid> <command>
    Used to send commands to a running VM, like pausing, saving, or stopping it. You follow this with the VM’s name or UUID and the command you want to run (e.g., poweroff or pause).
  • --snapshot <name|uuid>
    Manage snapshots of a virtual machine. Snapshots are like save points, allowing you to revert to a previous state of the VM.
  • --list
    Displays a list of your VMs, settings, snapshots, etc. This is helpful to see what VMs you have set up.
  • --createvm
    Command for creating a new virtual machine. You specify settings (name, OS type, etc.) after this.
  • --register
    Registers an existing VM configuration with VirtualBox. Useful when you want to add a previously created VM that’s not yet registered.
  • --unregister
    Removes a VM configuration. This doesn’t delete the VM’s files but unregisters it from VirtualBox.
  • --modifyvm <name|uuid>
    Allows you to modify settings for an existing VM (e.g., changing RAM size or adding a network adapter).
  • --startvm <name|uuid> --type <headless|gui|separate>
    This starts a virtual machine in different modes:
    • headless mode: No graphical interface (runs in the background).
    • gui mode: Normal mode with the graphical interface.
    • separate mode: Like gui, but runs in its own window.
  • --stopvm <name|uuid>
    Shuts down a running VM.
  • --pausevm <name|uuid>
    Pauses a running virtual machine. It’s like putting it on hold.
  • --savevm <name|uuid>
    Saves the state of a VM. It’s similar to hibernating your computer; the VM state is saved, and you can restore it later.
  • --controlvm <name|uuid> resume
    Resumes a paused VM.
  • --snapshot <name|uuid> restore
    Restores a snapshot of the VM. Think of it as going back to an earlier save point.
  • --showvminfo <name|uuid>
    Displays detailed information about a VM, like its settings, status, and resources used.
  • --discardstate
    Discards the saved state of a VM (if it was saved earlier).

Options for VM Settings:

  • --memory <size>
    Sets the amount of RAM the VM can use.
  • --cpus <number>
    Determines how many CPUs or cores the VM can access.
  • --vram <size>
    Allocates video memory to the VM (useful for GUI-heavy OSes).
  • --nic<1|2|3|4> <type>
    Configures network adapters. You can set up how your VM connects to the internet or other machines (e.g., nat, bridged, or hostonly).
  • --audio <type>
    Sets up the audio for the VM. You can specify the type (e.g., alsa, pulse, etc.).
  • --usb
    Enables USB support for the VM. You can connect USB devices to the VM.
  • --usbdevice <device>
    Specifies a USB device to attach to the VM.

Storage & Virtual Disks:

  • --createhd <path>
    Create a new virtual hard disk for a VM.
  • --storagectl <name>
    Adds a storage controller (e.g., SATA, IDE) to the VM.
  • --storageattach <name|uuid> --storagectl <controller> --port <port> --device <device>
    Attach a virtual hard disk, CD/DVD drive, or other storage media to the VM.

Other Useful Options:

  • --showvminfo <name|uuid>
    Get detailed info about a specific virtual machine, like its CPU, RAM, and storage settings.
  • --help-all
    Displays all available options, including detailed descriptions of each one.


If you wanted to start a VM called “UbuntuVM” in headless mode:

bashCopy codevirtualbox --startvm "UbuntuVM" --type headless

Summary of Key Actions:

  • Create VM: --createvm
  • Start VM: --startvm
  • Modify VM: --modifyvm
  • Pause/Resume VM: --pausevm, --controlvm resume
  • Snapshot Management: --snapshot
  • VM Info: --showvminfo

This is a broad overview of what the virtualbox --help output shows. Let me know if you need further explanation on any of these options!

4o mini

You said:

virtualbox –help all

ChatGPT said:


When you run virtualbox --help-all, it displays all the possible commands and options you can use with VirtualBox. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the available commands:

Basic Commands

  • --help
    Displays help information about VirtualBox commands and options.
  • --help-all
    Displays all available commands, options, and detailed descriptions.
  • --version
    Shows the installed version of VirtualBox.

VM Operations

  • --startvm <name|uuid>
    Starts a virtual machine by its name or UUID.
  • --controlvm <name|uuid> <command>
    Sends commands to a running virtual machine (e.g., pause, resume, reset, poweroff).
  • --stopvm <name|uuid>
    Stops a running VM (gracefully shuts it down).
  • --pausevm <name|uuid>
    Pauses the VM, temporarily halting its operation.
  • --savevm <name|uuid>
    Saves the state of a running VM (like hibernating it).
  • --resumevm <name|uuid>
    Resumes a paused VM.
  • --snapshot <name|uuid> <command>
    Manages snapshots of a VM. You can create, restore, or delete snapshots.
  • --showvminfo <name|uuid>
    Shows detailed information about a virtual machine (like CPU, RAM, and disk usage).
  • --list
    Lists the available VMs, settings, and other details.
  • --modifyvm <name|uuid> <options>
    Modifies the configuration of an existing VM (e.g., CPU,

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